
Yes I can look at naked men

A friend of mine warned me about this and I actually laughed at her. Apparently you can't watch at porn in Yemen. I know, I was just as shocked as you are now. This is the message I got when I tried to enter the site:
Blocked URL

Your request was denied because of its content categorization: "Sex"

For assistance, contact Yemen Net team.

If you feel this website should be opened,

please send us email to open_site@yemen.net.ye

If you have websites that should be closed,

please send us email to close_site@yemen.net.ye

Alert: Beware of AIDS.For more information call 175

The last part about AIDS was also included in the message. I'm very tempted to call them and see where it goes. I actually just might if I don't fall asleep anytime soon.
Ha, too bad for you, Yemen net. I can still do google image search to my heart's content.
I keep trying to find me a summer fling but my dad is always there. Ugh. Dad, let me be gay please.
I also found out few tricks from my friend A. He said that in order for you to find a prey it is strongly suggested that you get a bluetooth enabled phone and have the feature turned on so others can find you.
You'll get messages from neighboring chairs with videos, pics, sex tips, etc. I can't say anything bad about that. The Yemeni gays prevail! PREVAIL, hehehe.

1 comment:

W said...

Aww, you poor thing. What to do without all the porn. You know everyone has a god given right to porn. Miss u.